Monday 12 March 2007

Bloggins Second Weekend

This weekend was a bit hit and miss for the Bobbins. There were lots of people in the house and so I spent more time in my room than ususal. My Mummy had some friends over and she says I am safer in there. Teddy says she is embarassed of me and I told him that can't be true because she loves me.
Better for a Bobbins was that I got to watch a Midsummer Murders and a Lewis this weekend. I love watching detective programmes because it helps me with my investigation skills and I can show that I am cleverer than Mr Baranaby or Mr Lewis. I am not as brave as Mr Barnaby though and I don't like the dark.
Daddy also helped me practise my three R's this weekend which he says are very important - Mr Rooney, Mr Ronaldo and Mr Ryan Giggs. Both Mr Ronaldo and Mr Rooney scored so I was very happy - but Daddy was saying lots of rude words before they scored - just like Mummy says when shes been out to visit her friends who live in a "Pub".
The picture is of me and my friend Pigeon. Pigeon has a very important job in the week and likes to relax on the sofa with me at the weekend.

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