Wednesday 23 May 2007

All work and no curry makes Bobbins a happy boy

Hi, I am still in India, Daddy says we have to stay here for a while - I don't really understand why as its easier for Daddy to get to work from home. But as I am asleep for every journey to work except to look at the cows its ok.
Today my jet lag had cleared up a bit so I was back to my best as PA sponge. This meant that I was running around the office asking everyone if they liked curry. Daddy told me to stop it but I was just trying to get on with the locals as Donkey taught me it is important to do this wherever you go.
We went out at lunchtime and it was very hot. Daddy left me to do some sun bathing in the afternoon as I didnt want to do any work in the afternoon. I sent the driver Daddy has to go and find me some ice cream and to make sure it wasnt curry flavoured.
The picture of me is sitting on Daddy'd bed holding the card that the man who makes Daddy's bed leaves on it. I have told Daddy we should bring him home to make the Bobbin's bed every day. The card says "Oh, its nice to get up in the morning, but its nicer to lie in bed. Sir Harry Lauder" I think it is very nice for the man to leave us a message and I am impressed the man who makes Daddy's bed is a Sir. The message is a good one - if you leave out the bit about getting up - unless its to go to a gift winkel. I have left a message of my own "It is nice to get a present, and stay in bed. Robert Basil Dunne".

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