Tuesday 3 April 2007

Bobbins and H-America

Yesterday in Donkey School we learnt all about the country where Mummy has gone to live- H-America. As I am 1/4 H-American Donkey told me to tell the class all I know about America.

I told the class that in H-America there is a place like heaven called DisneyLand. This is where Mr Lightyear lives. It is the best place in the world and it is the Bobbins' biggest dream to go there one day. Well its my second biggest dream - just after school just being Bouncing lessons and no maths.

Donkey asked me to name the President of H-America. I was very excited as I knew it was Mr Tree.

Then Donkey told us about New York - Mummy's new home. I told Donkey it was pronounced New Yoik and that it smells like an apple and you have to say it twice and kick your legs up. Donkey gave me the Naughty Step Warning.

He told us Mummy is staying in Hurlem. I was a bit confused as that is what Teddy says when we are eating sweets at the back of the class and Donkey is coming to investigate. We collect the sweets from behind the sofa when Donkey has gone. So when Donkey said Hurlem - I threw my sweets but Donkey saw. I missed finding out about the rest of America because I was thinking about what I had done on the naughty step.

The picuture isof my friend Fergal. He wanted to say hi to Mummy and that we miss her.

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