Friday 13 April 2007

Mr Loaf

Yesterday my Mummy was going to go and see Mr Loaf in H-America. But when she got there she found out Mr Loaf was not performing - maybe they had not made the doors wider to allow him to get into the concert.

The Bobbins is very upset for Mummy as I know she was really looking forward to seeing him. So I thought I would take a photo of me with Mummy's best Meatloaf item - a signed record. It has BBQ Rib sauce all over it so we know it is authentic as he was having a snack at the time.

Last night Daddy had more friends over so the Bobbins had to stay in his room again. I am going to ban Daddy from having friends over - we need Mummy back to scare them away. When I am in my room Donkey can see if I am doing my homework - so I have to at least pretend to do it. But then my excuse the next day that Daddy told me I didnt need to do it means I end up on the Naughty step. Bad Daddy.

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